Partnership between Ikusi Multimedia and Samsung Electronics content protection
Guaranteeing accessibility to a line-up of premium television channels for authorised users, while preventing it for others, is a requirement being imposed more frequently by content providers on the hospitality sector. In order to ensure the complete safety of premium content, Ikusi and Samsung have reached an agreement by which the Flow platform by Ikusi incorporates Samsung LYNK Digital Rights Management (DRM) system.
Samsung LYNK DRM solution allows premium content to be protected for distribution in a hotel without adding additional equipment to the headend. Operating costs and installation complexity are minimised, investment in equipment is optimised, and fraudulent copying of content is prevented at all the points of the system.
Ikusi Flow with LYNK DRM is a professional system, yet completely in line with the philosophy of maximum simplicity used to develop the Flow platform. The encryption solution is activated by a simple click and is valid for all network environments, whether IP, coaxial or mixed. With it, users only need a Hospitality TV by Samsung to see their favourite channels; no additional in-room hardware is needed.
The collaboration agreement with Samsung allows Ikusi to continue incorporating features to address the needs of the diverse actors in the hospitality sector, including pay TV operators, entertainment suppliers, and solutions integrators.